Large Brown Bear eats a freshly caught Sockeye Salmon during the July salmon run at Brooks River in Alaska.
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Large American Alligator crosses a hiking path in Florida.
A Curlyhair Tarantula after a fresh shed.
A subadult Brown Bear stands up to watch a female who strolled by.
A baby Moose curiously watches me while I take his picture. (Alaska)
Two Fiery-throated Hummingbirds chatting in the rain.
A baby Brown Bear watches his mother fish in a nearby river.
A Green-crowned Brilliant Hummingbird calling a mate in the high cloud forest of Costa Rica.
A venomous Variable Bush Viper opens his mouth and extends his fangs during rearticulation. His fangs are covered by the fleshy muscular membrane that helps him extend and contract them.
A Barred owl in a moss covered tree. Taken in Florida.
This rainforest stream was photographed in Punta Banco, Costa Rica.
A female Variable Bush Viper (Atheris squamigera) in tree. The fleshy muscular membrane that covers her fangs help her extend and retract them.